A world without hunger by the year 2030.

In line with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, we are working towards alleviating hunger and malnutrition which affects nearly 690 million people around the world. But we can't do it alone.


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The SUN Business Network is the private sector arm of the global Scaling Up Nutrition Movement, which works to address malnutrition across the world.

Sun Business Network

How SBN Works

We coordinate with different non-profit organizations, government agencies, the academe, and the private sector to help address hunger and improve food security in our respective countries.

Sun Business Network

SUN Business Network Impact

Here’s a quick look at the collaborative progress we’ve made so far in the Philippines.

SBN Philippine Members

Our Members

Allied Metals
Johnson & Johnson
Makati Business Club
Mega Global
Nutridense Food
Nutrition Center of the Philippines
Pilipinas Shell Foundation
Robinsons Supermarket
Session Groceries
Standard Insurance
Universal Robina

Join the SUN Business Network

Be part of a global movement to help end hunger and ensure proper nutrition for all.

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